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Youth & Family

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs."

(Matthew 19:14)


Like Jesus, we believe children are a vital part of commUNITY. Unity's youth and family ministry provides opportunities for people of all ages to learn about Jesus. Questions are encouraged, and as a result, faith is flourished.


BLAST!, or Bible Learning And Serving Together!, is the youth program here at Unity. BLAST! provides your youth with an opportunity to learn about the depth of God’s love for all people, while also providing them with an opportunity to serve our commUNITY. BLAST! takes place most Sundays between September and May. Kids return for the second half of the service.  

Even when BLAST is on break, activities are available for kids and they are welcome!


The children's Pray-Ground is located at the entryway of the worship space, providing opportunity to play, learn and worship during service.


Children lead a weekly 'noisy offering' that benefits local non-profit organizations who are doing meaningful work in the commUNITY.

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